Scholarships in Italy for Bachelor, Master, and PhD Studies: A Comprehensive Guide


Italy is a country known for its rich history, cultural heritage, and world-class education system. If you're dreaming of pursuing your higher education in Italy but are concerned about the financial burden, worry not! Italy offers numerous scholarships for international students at the bachelor's, master's, and PhD levels. In this article, we will delve into some of these scholarships and provide you with official links to help you navigate through the application process.

1. Italian Government Scholarships:

The Italian Government provides various scholarship programs to attract talented students from around the world. These scholarships are offered through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) and cover a wide range of academic disciplines. You can find detailed information about these scholarships on their official website:  []

2. University-specific Scholarships:

Many universities in Italy offer their own scholarship programs exclusively for international students. These scholarships may be merit-based or need-based depending on each institution's criteria. It is advisable to check with your choseHere are some links to Italian universities that offer scholarships for international students:

1. University of Bologna: The University of Bologna offers a range of scholarships for non-EU students. Visit their website for more information: [University of Bologna scholarship page] -

2. Politecnico di Milano: Politecnico di Milano provides various scholarships and financial aid opportunities for international students. Check their website for more details: [Politecnico di Milano scholarship page]

3. Sapienza University of Rome: Sapienza University offers several merit-based scholarships for outstanding international students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Visit their website to learn more: [Sapienza University scholarship page] -

4. Polytechnic University of Turin: The Polytechnic University of Turin has various scholarship programs available for international students, including partial tuition fee waivers and grants based on academic merit or financial need. Find out more on their official website: [Polytechnic University of Turin scholarship page] -

5. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milan/Rome/Brescia/Piacenza/Cremona:

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore offers a wide range of scholarships, including those specifically dedicated to international students from developing countries, refugees, and talented individuals in specific fields such as agriculture or nutrition science.

[Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore scholarship page]- 

Please note that these are just a few examples, and many other Italian universities also provide scholarships and financial aid opportunities to international applicants.

3. Erasmus+ Scholarship Program:

The Erasmus+ program is a well-known European Union initiative that promotes mobility among European students by offering study abroad opportunities across member countries—including Italy! This program provides funding support for both short-term exchanges as well as full-degree programs at partner institutions within Europe. To learn more about Erasmus+ scholarships in Italy, visit the official website: []

4. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Foundations:

Several NGOs and foundations also provide financial assistance to international students studying in Italy.

a) The UNICRI Scholarship Program: UNICRI offers full-tuition waivers/scholarships specifically designed for African students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievements.

b) The Fondazione Edu Scholarship Program: This foundation supports talented individuals from developing countries who wish to pursue postgraduate studies at selected universities in Italy.

5. Research Grants from Funding Agencies:

If you plan on pursuing a research-focused degree such as a Ph.D., it is worth exploring research grants offered by prestigious funding agencies such as the National Research Council (CNR), National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), or other similar organizations operating within your field of interest.

Explore research grant opportunities offered by organizations such as CNR ([CNR website] - []


 INFN ([INFN website] -[]

More relevant and useful links:

Navigating the Requirements for Applying to PhD Programs in Chinese Universities


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