Australia Awards Scholarships are prestigious international scholarships


The Australia Awards Scholarships are prestigious international scholarships funded by the Australian Government, designed to develop global leaders from developing countries. These scholarships provide opportunities for recipients to undertake full-time undergraduate or postgraduate study at participating Australian universities.

Key Details


Various Australian universities.

Fields of Study:

 Engineering, Technology, Arts, Business, Law, Medical and Applied Sciences, Nursing, Midwifery, Human, Health, and Social Sciences.


 Undergraduate, graduate coursework, graduate research, and PhD.


Tuition Fees

 Coverage of full tuition fees.


Return economy air travel to and from Australia.

Living Expenses:

 Fortnightly living stipend.

Health Coverage: 

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).

Establishment Allowance:

 One-off payment for initial costs.

Academic Support: 

Includes an Introductory Academic Program (IAP) and supplementary support.

English Language Course:

 If required, pre-course English fees are covered.

 Eligibility Criteria

 Must be a citizen of an eligible country and reside in that country at the time of application.

 Minimum age of 18 on 1 February of the year of commencement.

 Must not hold Australian citizenship or permanent residency.

 Must meet specific eligibility criteria for the chosen country and institution.

 Must not be married, engaged, or de facto to a person with Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent residency during application and selection.

 Must be able to meet Australian visa requirements and the admission requirements of the institution where the award will be taken up.

 Application Process

Applications for the 2024 round open on 1 February 2024 and close on 30 April 2024. Applications can be submitted online through the Online Australia Scholarships Information System (OASIS) or by post if online submission is not possible.

For more detailed information and to apply, visit the

 [Australia Awards Scholarships]


 page on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) website or the

[University of Melbourne's Australia Awards Scholarship]

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