The Fulbright Scholarship


The Fulbright Scholarship in France, administered by the Franco-American Fulbright Commission, offers a variety of programs for U.S. citizens to study, teach, or conduct research in France. Here are the main components of the scholarship:

1. Fulbright U.S. Student Program:

 This program is designed for U.S. students, including recent graduates, master's and doctoral candidates, young professionals, and artists, to study, conduct research, or teach English in France for up to one academic year. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and have completed a bachelor's degree by the start of the grant period.

2. Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program:

 This program is for U.S. scholars, including university faculty, researchers, and other professionals, to lecture and/or conduct research in France. Grants are available in various fields and disciplines, and applicants typically need to have a Ph.D. or equivalent professional experience.

3. Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Program:

This program places U.S. citizens in French schools to assist English teachers. The goal is to improve students' English language skills and knowledge of the United States.

4.Fulbright Specialist Program: 

This short-term program allows U.S. academics and professionals to work with French institutions on specific projects. Assignments last from two to six weeks and focus on enhancing the host institution’s capabilities.

5.Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship:

 This fellowship provides opportunities for U.S. students to combine research and storytelling on globally significant issues, with the support of the National Geographic Society.

The application process generally includes submitting a research or study proposal, personal statements, recommendation letters, and transcripts. The selection criteria include academic or professional achievement, project feasibility, and personal qualities such as adaptability and leadership potential.

For more detailed information and application guidelines, you can visit the official Fulbright France website 






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