
University of Calabria Scholarships

Introduction   The University of Calabria offers fully funded scholarships for international students aiming to pursue a Master's degree. Here are the key details:  Scholarship Benefits Tuition Fees:  Covered fully Accommodation and Meals:  Provided free of charge Annual Allowance: €3,600  Eligible Programs The scholarships are available for various Master's programs, including: Artificial Intelligence and Computer Scienc  Environmental and Territorial Safety Engineering- Robotics and Automation Engineering  Telecommunication Engineering   Health Biotechnology  Nutritional Sciences  Chemistry  Mathematics  Physics  Finance and Insurance   Eligibility Criteria  Must be a non-EU student residing outside Italy  Hold a relevant bachelor's degree from a recognized institution  Proficiency in English, as courses are taught in English  Meet specific program requirements and demonstrate academic excellence  Application Process 1. Research and Choose Program:  Ensure eligibility an

Arturo Falaschi Postdoctoral Fellowships

 Introduction  The Arturo Falaschi Postdoctoral Fellowships are offered by the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB). These fellowships aim to provide advanced research training in life sciences to researchers from member countries. Here are the key details:  Objectives:  To support research training in various fields of life sciences.  To enhance the research capabilities of scientists in member countries.  Eligibility:  Open to nationals of ICGEB member states.  Applicants must hold a recent PhD in Life Sciences or have at least three years of research experience. Duration: Fellowships are awarded for 2 years, with the possibility of a 1-year extension.  Benefits:  Monthly stipend to cover living costs.  Health insurance.  Travel costs.  Participation in local and international scientific meetings.  Host Laboratories: Fellows can be hosted in one of the ICGEB laboratories in Trieste (Italy), New Delhi (India), or Cape Town (South Africa). Application

European Union scholarship

 Introduction  The European Union (EU) offers a variety of scholarships to support international students who wish to study in Europe. These scholarships cover different levels of education, including undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs. Here are some of the main EU scholarship opportunities: 1.Erasmus+ Program:  This is one of the most well-known EU scholarship programs, offering opportunities for students to study, train, and gain experience abroad. The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) are highly competitive and provide full scholarships covering tuition, travel, and living expenses. Students can study in at least two different European countries as part of an international consortium of higher education institutions  ( )  ( . 2. Erasmus+ Postgraduate Sc

United States - Fulbright Scholarship

 Introduction  The United States - Fulbright Scholarship Program is a prestigious international exchange program aimed at increasing mutual understanding between the people of the United States and other countries. Established in 1946, it is one of the most recognized and competitive fellowship programs in the world. Here are the key details:  Overview Purpose:  To provide opportunities for students, scholars, teachers, and professionals to undertake advanced research, graduate study, university teaching, and teaching in elementary and secondary schools worldwide. Funding:  Sponsored by the U.S. government and administered by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State. Duration:  Generally lasts from several months to a full academic year, depending on the type of grant.  Types of Fulbright Awards 1.Student Program:  For recent graduates, postgraduate candidates, and early career professionals.    Study/Research Grants:  Fund individual research proj

Korean Government Scholarship

Introduction  The Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP), now known as the Global Korea Scholarship (GKS), is a highly competitive and fully funded scholarship initiative aimed at attracting international students to pursue undergraduate, master's, and Ph.D. degrees in South Korea. Here are the key details:  Overview Host Country:  South Korea Scholarship Levels: Undergraduate, Master's, Ph.D., and Research Programs Number of Scholarships:  Approximately 2,200 scholarships for graduate studies and varying numbers for undergraduate programs Eligibility:  Applicants must be from countries designated by the Korean government and should not hold Korean citizenship. Financial Coverage The GKS provides extensive financial support, including: Full Tuition Fee:  Covers the entire cost of tuition for the duration of the program. Monthly Allowance:  KRW 900,000 for undergraduate students and KRW 1,000,000 for graduate students. Resettlement Allowance: KRW 200,000 upon arrival in Ko

Australia Awards Scholarships are prestigious international scholarships

 Introduction  The Australia Awards Scholarships are prestigious international scholarships funded by the Australian Government, designed to develop global leaders from developing countries. These scholarships provide opportunities for recipients to undertake full-time undergraduate or postgraduate study at participating Australian universities. Key Details Institutions:  Various Australian universities. Fields of Study:  Engineering, Technology, Arts, Business, Law, Medical and Applied Sciences, Nursing, Midwifery, Human, Health, and Social Sciences. Levels:  Undergraduate, graduate coursework, graduate research, and PhD. Benefits Tuition Fees  Coverage of full tuition fees. Travel:  Return economy air travel to and from Australia. Living Expenses:  Fortnightly living stipend. Health Coverage:  Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). Establishment Allowance:  One-off payment for initial costs. Academic Support:  Includes an Introductory Academic Program (IAP) and supplementary support.

United Kingdom - Chevening Scholarship

 Introduction  The Chevening Scholarship is a prestigious international scholarship program funded by the UK government. It is designed to develop global leaders and influencers by offering fully-funded scholarships to pursue a one-year master’s degree in any subject at any UK university. Here are the key details:  Key Features: 1.Eligibility:     Must be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country or territory.     Must return to your country of citizenship for a minimum of two years after your scholarship has ended.     Have an undergraduate degree that will enable you to gain entry into a postgraduate program at a UK university.     Have at least two years of work experience.     Apply to three different eligible UK university courses and have received an unconditional offer from one of these choices by a specified deadline. 2.Coverage:     University tuition fees.     A monthly stipend.     Travel costs to and from the UK.     An arrival allowance.     A homeward departure allowance.

Türkiye Scholarships

 Introduction   The Türkiye Scholarships, also known as "Turkiye Burslari," is a fully funded scholarship program offered by the Turkish government to international students. The program is designed to provide higher education opportunities at Turkish universities to talented and high-achieving students from around the world.  Key Features and Benefits: 1. Financial Coverage:    University and Program Placement:  Guaranteed placement in a university and program of the student's choice.    Monthly Stipend:       - Undergraduate: 800 TL      - Master’s: 1100 TL      - PhD: 1600 TL  ( ).    Tuition Fee:  Fully covered for the duration of the scholarship.    Accommodation:  Free accommodation in university dormitories.    Health Insurance:  Comprehensive health insurance coverage.    Travel:  One-time return flight ticket.    Turkish Language Course:  One year of Turkish language education to help students a

China - Chinese Government Scholarship

 Introduction  The China - Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC) is a program established by the Chinese government to promote educational, cultural, and economic exchange between China and other countries. The scholarship is administered by the China Scholarship Council (CSC), which is affiliated with the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. Key Details: 1. Types of Scholarships:     Bilateral Program:  For exchange programs based on educational exchange agreements or MOUs between China and other governments, institutions, universities, or international organizations.    Chinese University Program:  For international students to study in Chinese universities directly.    Great Wall Program:  For candidates from developing countries, administered by UNESCO.    EU Program:  For EU citizens to study in China.    AUN Program:  For ASEAN University Network students.    PIF Program:  For Pacific Island students.    WMO Program:  For students supported by the World Met

National Technical Honor Society Scholarships

Introduction    The National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) Scholarships are awards given to outstanding students who excel in career and technical education (CTE) fields. These scholarships aim to recognize, reward, and encourage student excellence in vocational education programs.  Key Details about NTHS Scholarships: 1. Eligibility:    - Membership in NTHS is typically required.    - Students must be enrolled in a CTE program.    - They should demonstrate strong academic performance, leadership qualities, and community involvement. 2. Types of Scholarships:    NTHS Scholarships:  These are general scholarships awarded directly by NTHS.    Jon H. Poteat Scholarship:  Named after one of the co-founders of NTHS, awarded to NTHS members who demonstrate dedication and hard work.    NTHS Partner Scholarships:  Offered in collaboration with various industry partners and educational institutions, targeting specific fields or skills. 3. Application Process:    - Applications are typically su

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